Friday, 24 August 2007


One of the most engaging games I have
played, but it can be quiet monotonous.
That's why I enjoy the several mods
available, especially the gungame mod.

Of course its not for the faint of heart,
or the newb, as you're likely to get no
frags in this hyper-competition format.

My favourite map while playing this mod
is dust and playground_x_s (I don't know
where you get that map though).
Because I like to win, or at least get to
level 18 when playing. Still, its great

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Nation States

Well this is one website that is very
strange. It originated from a book and
has turned into an on-line game.

Last semester as a project for ITB750,
everyone (basically) made a state.
Now our region has only 17 states left.

I'm thinking of moving to another region.

To get to NationStates
type in (no www at the
and create a state today.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

New Semester take 2

Well I don't know about you but I'm pissed off.
The computer did a spak attack and I have to
rewrite this entry. Oh well.

A recap -
Last semesters results
ITB750 - 7 (yay)
ITB001 - 4 (oh well, passed)
ITB002 - 6 (yay, better than I thought)
DEB101 - 5 (oh well, better than a pass)

And now to this semester

Updates -
Steam basicly works only in S601 because
ITB750 is not on this semester.
Need to have SteamBuster though
Also S601 can access Olympus and other
ftp sites that were previously only accessed
in the Green Room.

Panicing slightly with this semesters workload
(5 assignments due in one week), but overall
quite happy.
I'm using Maya (pronounced My-ya), After Effects 6.5
and Photoshop CS.